Oslo, Norway

July 31, 2010


This was our first big city of the trip.  The ship docked directly across from the Akershus Fortress with lots of battlements, cannon, and towers right outside our window.
We had been here before (I remembered, Adele didn't - a first!) and elected to take a hop on - hop off bus to take us around town.  The ride was fine, but the tour was a bust.  There was almost no commentary, and the one place where we hopped off (Vigeland Park), the next bus missed us, so we had to wait an additional 30 minutes.  Still, it was nice to ride through this beautiful, clean city.  There were quite a few older structures, but most buildings were standard offices and apartments - attractive but a bit boring.
After the tour, Adele went to try and find some way to spend the 40 kroner (about $8) we had left.  She managed to buy a deck of playing cards, which gives you some idea of prices in Oslo.  It is said to be one of the most expensive cities in the world.  While she was shopping, I went up to the fortress to see what I could see.  It was quite interesting, and I very much enjoyed a nice museum they have commemorating the famous WWII resistance movement.  The museum was by no means fancy, but they had lots of original artifacts.  There were also many dioramas showing different phases of the occupation and resistance.  It was very moving even though much of the information was in Norwegian and German.
The ship pulled out about 3:00 PM and we spent the next 3 hours zigging and zagging through the very narrow and rocky Oslofjord while dodging flocks of small sailboats.  Some days the captain really earns his money.


Oslo Photos